Promising Young Woman 2020

How to watch the movie Promising Young Woman 2020 on flixtor?
You can watch Promising Young Woman 2020 movie on flixtor stream site. The movie is released on 25 Dec 2020 (USA). A beautiful, incredibly intelligent and promising student of a prestigious university – it seemed her future was predetermined. But one tragic event changes everything. Now she leads a double life and is sure that there is nothing more seductive than revenge. You don’t need to create an account in order to watch Flixtor movie.

What are the best streaming platforms to watch the movie Promising Young Woman 2020?
Stream this full movie on 123movies and flixtor full movies website. Here you will get all the required info about movies or TV series by hovering your cursor on the featured thumbnail. Get many countries movies including UK, United States and Japan.

Review of the movie Promising Young Woman 2020.
This is such a great movie. The beginning starts off super cliche. Absolutely loved it. This movie was beyond what I expected. The plot is well written and you sympathize with the main character, Cassandra. I enjoyed the aesthetics and the style presented.

Promising Young Woman 2020

Genre: 20202021ComedyCrimeDrama

Country: ,

Quality: HD


Date: January 6, 2021

IMDb: 6.2

Duration: 113 min